The dry battery is capable of enabling the impurities invading into the area between the contacts to automatically embed to the soft metal to maintain good contact of the contacts; 本实用新型,可使侵入到触点间的杂质自动嵌入在软金属中,保持触点间接触良好;
This paper introduces the reconstruction of the supervision and control system for power environment in mobile base stations. A practicable, stable and economical system is built by simplify the independent control mode, update the dry contacts alarm system and improvement of various functions. 介绍了移动基站动力环境监控系统的改造,通过简化独立监控模式、干接点告警系统的升级改造和各项技术性能的完善,形成了一个实用、稳定、经济的系统。
In the thermal analysis of dry contact and mixed lubrication in point contacts, the original point heat source integration method does not consider the possible heat conduction between frictional surfaces, which will result in the irrational heat partition coefficients. 在用点热源温度场积分法求解点接触干摩擦或混合润滑的温度场时,原有的数学模型未能考虑到可能的两固体表面之间的传热,因而会造成热流分配系数出现不合理的结果。
The main contents of the paper are as following: ( 1) The hysteretic spring friction model is introduced to transfer the dry friction force between shroud contacts to equivalent stiffness and damping. 本文围绕带冠汽轮机叶片开展了以下工作:(1)引入滞后弹簧摩擦模型,将叶冠接触面之间的干摩擦力转换为等效刚度和等效阻尼。